A Bomb Shell that nobody saw coming...
Preamble to the Logical Universe Encyclopedia.
TLU is the first and only theory that proposes the Unification of all Forces.
The current understanding of physics is, the Universe has four fundamental forces. (Gravity, Magnetism, Strong and Weak Force).
Popular Thinking - Gravity - We think we know what it is and does, but, we don't know how it does it. (a non-magnetic attraction force).
Magnetism - We think we know what it is and does, but, we don't know how it does it. (a metallic attraction and repelling force).
Strong Nuclear Force - We think we know what it is, but, we don't know how it does it. (the force that holds the nucleus of the atom together - (Proton Neutron glue).
Weak Nuclear Force - We think we know what it is, but, we don't know how it does it. (the decay of the Atom that produces sub-atomic particles).
The Logical Universe comes to the rescue.... Lets talk about this. First of all there are a few things that are unique to the Logical Universe that must be understood. The Universe is not empty. Between all Celestial Bodies and Structural Matter there is Dark Matter. Dark Matter is composed of Universal Particles that are tiny, spherical and spinning, with active and stored energy. Fundamental building blocks are also composed of these Universal Particles, but, they are still small and have electromagnetic relativity, and are in a SEL state. This would be Protons, Neutrons, Electrons and Neutrinos. (b) Energy is the Movement of the Universal Particles (spin, lateral movement, expansion and contraction). It is the Spin energy of all particles and structures that creates Magnetism. (a north and south pole).
Now for the big reveal - Universal Particle spin, magnetism, expansion and contraction energy is all of the 4 Fundamental Forces rolled into one: The Energy and Spatial Em force of the Universal Particle. What? Yes... The 4 Fundamental Forces are really 5.
(1) Gravity - The Electromagnetic Expanse of Space that Shrinks and pulls. (Gravity Currents). (2) A sibling of Gravity is, Anti-Gravity the Electromagnetic Expanse of Space that Expands and pushes. Both are known as a "G" force, or, an "Electromagnetic Force." (3) Magnetism (Metallic) - The spinning rotating Quantum Fields of Iron that attracts, repels and displaces Electrons. This is because of the unique properties of Torus and Ring fields that link Iron atoms together. (an electromagnetic force). (4) The Strong Force is a force that keeps the Proton, Neutron and Electron intact. (an electromagnetic force). (5) The Weak Force is the force that attaches a Proton with a Neutron. (an electromagnetic force).
Conclusion... * TLU - Unification Theory
There is only one true force, The force of Electromagnetism.
TLU - Rich - unifiedtheory.us - or - logicaluniverse.com
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