Saturday, June 26, 2021

TLU Update


TLU - I have been working hard to get the correct information out as fast as I could. As you know, The Logical Universe is a work in progress and just had a critical update that unified the theory. Now all basic phenomena have better definitions, and fit precisely together. This would be the Speed of Light, Gravity, Anti-Gravity, Dark Energy, Nothing, Mass, Space, Energy and Time. The Web Site and Video's are current and I don't foresee any new profound discoveries. 
Now I will be able to turn my attention to more frequent Blog postings and answer any question you might have. Thanks for sticking with the Logical Universe. I hope it was as much fun for you as it was for me. I'm sure there are more unknown phenomena but not the basic ones, like Nothing, Existence, and Space.

TLU - Rich - 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Big Bang


From the pages of The Logical Universe
The Big Bang explained like you never have heard it before.

(a) -  Standard Model - An Explosion of a Singularity that creates, all of the Universe. Matter, Energy, and the vast expanse miraculously happens. First an explosion, then the creation of matter, along with a bigger, getting bigger and colder, vast expanse of quarks, leptons, bosons and nothing. 

(b) - TLU Theory - Anti-Gravity Big Bang - The cooling expansion of a spinning Super Black Star, that creates and expands spinning spherical particles and their spatial magnetism. Matter is not produced because it is, all that ever was, or all that ever will be, Existence. There are no Vacuum's, Void's or Black Holes in this expanse. This is because spinning matter is what creates the space between energetic bodies. So it is electromagnetic force, plus energetic spinning or vibrating matter, that creates all of the universe. There is no vast expanse of nothing.

TLU - Rich - 

Friday, June 4, 2021



How many people can describe nothing? I wager not many. This is because you have to understand the whole Universe first. TLU thinks it knows the answer. 

65. Nothing -  Not any thing, nothing at all - 

TLU - Can you create nothing? No!

Is the Universe basically a vast expanse of nothing? No!

Can you create Holes of nothing in space? No!

Is there nothing at the end of the Universe? Yes!

As Star Trek's George Takei would say,  OH My... 

TLU - Rich -