Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Logical Universe Encyclopedia


56. Mass - Matter creates Space, Electromagnetism creates Space, and Matter plus Electromagnetism creates Mass. (The Expanse of Space). (a) Mass is the volume of space that Matter / Electromagnetism occupies. All the matter of the Universe seems to be constant, but, energy is not. Universal Particles and Primordial Matter can change their formulation but not the amount of Matter. The sum of matter remains the same. It is Mass that can change. The volume of space can vary when Universal Particles spin, expand and contract. (b) How can these particles expand or contract you ask? It is because in each spinning spherical mass there is a formulation of matter that is electromagnetically locked, but, not physically. In-between each tiny grain of solid matter, there is an electromagnetic zone. When the spherical particle mass of primordial matter spins, it has the ability to produce and inflate, or deflate electromagnetic zones. What? Yes... (c) Solid particle matter obviously would not be able to expand or contract, but, if there is an electromagnetic force in-between each tiny grain of primordial matter, there is no such restriction. Solid matter is a barrier for space creation, but, Electromagnetism is not, it is physically transparent. Therefor, at the sub, and sub atomic level there is a phenomena that nobody has thought of, it is the ability of matter to increase its presence, but, not its substance. 

     (d) Conclusion, spinning spherical body's, (universal particles) can create a spatial zone because of electromagnetism, but stationary solid matter cant. The volume for solid matter remains constant, thus matter is conserved. (e) This phenomena also applies to Protons Electrons and Neutrons. This is because they are electromagnetically bonded and closed, but not physically. (f) Finally, Mass can, and does change in the Universal Particles of the Dark Matter Sea. This is what increases and decreases the pulling, pushing power of Gravity / Anti-Gravity. (g) Proclamation - All Mass of the Universe, is a mixture of Matter and Electromagnetism, with no Voids or Black Holes, big or small.

TLU - Rich - logicaluniverse.com

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